
Mobile Communication Autonomous Energy Systems

Wind Energy Communication Systems

Cell tower-mounted wind turbine could address power issues

This solution provides a low rpm wind turbine technology that is designed to be mounted on existing telecom tower infrastructures to provide clean energy and reduce the dependency of towers on diesel generators.

There is a critical need for alternative sources of power in the telecom industry. This sector currently relies mainly on diesel generators to power Telecom towers. To address this challenge, Solarwind Company provides an innovative wind turbine technology which can be installed on any Telekom tower and powers the antennas, which provides the digital signals (3G/4G/5G), used in our daily lives. This solution allows to reduce diesel consumption and help to decrease the carbon footprint of the Telekom industry which counts millions of Telecom towers worldwide.

Cellphone towers are quite energy intensive as they use power non-stop without any interruption. Air conditioning of the equipment housed in the nearby hubs also takes up substantial amounts of energy. Thus any change in the power generation method of cellphone towers would make tremendous impact in terms of resource savings and reduction in carbon emissions.

What is the Requirements on Using Wind Energy as the Energy Source for Powering Mobile Sites

  • Sufficient wind speed
  • Dimensioned as a system
  • Measurable KPIs
  • Long term cost effective solution
  • Easy to install on existing tower structure
  • Maintenance free
  • Simplistic solution
  • Modularity
  • Future proof
  • Remote monitored and controlled

Value Proposition for a Network Mobile Operator
Fully utilising the existing site space and infrastructure
  • Site Space in tower not fully utilised
  • A light weight wind turbine can be used in the existing infrastructure, fully integrated into
    the site (max wind load of105 Kgf@ 65 m/s)
  • Easy to install
  • Datacom with site controller
OPEX Saver
  • Reduce up to 50% of the diesel consumption for existing remote rural sites, sometimes
    up to 100% of diesel (repeater sites)
  • Save O&M costs for diesel gen sites

CAPEX Saver:
  • Reduce the usage of diesel up to 100% for new sites
PR Value:
  • Taking green responsibility and being in forefront of renewable energy solutions
