
15Kw Ready Solutions


15Kw Yaşayış üçün hazır günəş elektrik enerji sistemi

The electricity generated by the solar panels provides the facility’s own consumption. If the generating capacity of the solar power plant exceeds the consumption of the facility, the excess energy is “feeded” to the public grid, if the system does not produce enough, the missing energy is consumed from the public grid. The tariff is paid at the end of each month for the surplus of electricity produced (for the positive difference between the plant’s production and the facility’s consumption).

  1. Solar panel “Canadian Solar” 550W – 28 units
  2. Solar inverter – 1 set
  3. Inclined mounting system – 1 set
  4. Consumables- 1 set
  5. Solar panel cable, 6mm2 – 200 meters
  6. Protective automation kit – 1 set
  7. Montage


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