
Project financing

For the first time in the practice of Azerbaijan’s alternative energy sector, Solarwind offers flexible financing terms based on leasing of ready-made alternative energy systems.
The company prepares technical and economic information about the project, the use of equipment, the involvement of technologies and the estimated cost of the project.
The term of project leasing can be from 3 to 10 years (depending on the financial components of the project)
The initial contribution of the project cost is 30%
The annual leasing rate for the remaining amount is 12% per annum
The leasing review procedure begins after a detailed analysis of the project’s energy map.
To consider and apply for leasing, you need to contact the company to clarify the details of the project.
Mobile: +994775204147 / Whatsapp – Wechat
Office: +994123425500, +994123428800

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